CTMedChem provides products and services to pharmaceutical companies, biomedical research institutes and laboratories, educational institutions, and other related businesses. Our products include pure natural chemical compounds, amino acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, and lab supplies such as pipettes, tubes and plates. The pure natural chemical compounds are extracted from natural products, such as fruits, plants and herbs, and have significant beneficial biomedical effects. Our services include synthesis of customized small organic compound and library compounds at customer desired scale, synthesis of isotope labeled compounds, and analysis and identification of small molecules.
We guarantee the highest quality of the compounds, as determined by our careful and thorough chemical analyses including HPLC, NMR and MS spectrometry. We also guarantee the lowest price on the market.
During the past ten years of doing business, we have provided our unique products and reliable services to many pharmaceutical companies and research and education institutes nationally and internationally. These include Merck, Abbott Nutrition, Roche in Germany, Harvard University, University of California—San Diego, Pennsylvania State University, University of Michigan, University of Connecticut, Arizona State University, National Institutes of Health, Lumberton high school in Lumberton, North Carolina, and many more. We are looking forward to the opportunities of serving you.